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Usability Consulting

With our expertise and training for your team, we support you in establishing a sustainable UX strategy in your company.

Our Usability Consulting Process

Usability optimisation is an iterative process. Since the habits of users are constantly changing, the status quo of a website must also be continuously scrutinised. 

Together, we want to get into an optimisation cycle that ranges from the status quo analysis to the implementation of A/B tests to the roll-out of the optimised versions. 

Goals & Planning

In the first step, goals (e.g. conversion increase) and their KPIs are jointly defined and prioritised

User- & MarkET analySIS

We collect and analyse data on current user behaviour, examine any bottlenecks in the user journey and compare the website’s usability stand to its most relevant competitors. 


In a usability audit, our experts check your existing website for optimisation potential and define recommendations for action and hypotheses based on the goals set at the beginning.


If required, we will be happy to support you in implementing or expanding the required tracking setup with Google Tag Manager.


We create an individual testing concept to test hypotheses with statistical methods in order to optimise the user experience on your website step by step. If required, we will conduct A/B tests for you and monitor the results. 

ProjeCt management

To ensure that you have an insight into the current status of your project at all times, we document and plan tasks in a shared project management board (e.g. Asana).


In order to sustainably lay the foundations of a  UX mindset and the respective strategies in your company, we can train your team in the form of individually tailored usability workshops.

Google Mobile Web Certification

With the Google Mobile Web Certificate, we are officially qualified to advise clients in the areas of mobile web performance and web usability optimisation. Two client cases in the area of mobile speed and mobile UX were submitted for the certification.

Strategy talk for your usability consulting

The habits and needs of users are constantly changing and with them  so do the demands for  online marketing and website operators. The approach of our consulting is based on supporting companies in sustainably establishing  UX processes and methods and in focusing on the user in the long term.

We will be happy to give you an initial assessment in a non-binding strategy discussion. 

Your Usability-Experts

Verena Lahner and Johanna Dietrich are SEO specialists in the area of website usability.

In addition to Usability-Consulting they support our clients in A/B-Testing and Usability- und Accessibility-Audits. They also share their methods in customised workshops.


We check your website according to the standards of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). A better accessibility increases usability for all website visitors. 


We identify optimisation potential along the user flow from search query to conversion.

Usability Workshops

Strengthen your in-house competencies with customised usability training.



What is Website Usability Consulting?

Website usability consulting is the process of providing expert advice and guidance to companies on designing and improving the usability of their websites. Usability consultants work hand in hand with their clients to identify and fix bottlenecks on websites that may hinder or affect users' ability to complete a task. This can include analysing user data, conducting usability tests and recommending design changes. 


What is good website usability?

Website usability refers to how easy and fast a website is for users to understand, use and navigate. A website with good usability and user experience is intuitive and allows users to find the information they need quickly. To achieve a good usability and user experience, a website should be designed, tested and optimised with the needs and goals of its users in mind.