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Usability Workshop

In order to establish the understanding of user-centred website design and User Experience (UX) processes, we share our techniques, expertise and UX design principles in an individually tailored workshop. Strengthen your in-house competences to optimise the conversion rate of your website step by step.

Usability workshop with The Boutique Agency

In our usability workshops, we address your individual requirements, train your employees in the most important design principles and methods and accompany you during the first practical applications. The aim of the workshops is to strategically establish the mindset and processes for user-centred website optimisation in your company.

Introduction to UX and CRO

We give your employees an overview of UX design principles and the psychological patterns behind them and support you in identifying the initial potential of your website.


  • What are the advantages of involving users in the design process?

  • What are the key principles of user-friendly website design?

  • How is a user-friendly and conversion-optimised landing page designed?

Customised testing concept

You will learn the different phases and methods of UX testing: goal definition, user research, hypothesis generation, testing. Together we develop an individual testing concept, adapted to your requirements.


  • How are goals and KPIs of usability optimisations defined and measured?

  • How are hypotheses for A/B testing generated?

  • What methods of usability testing are there and how are they carried out?

Creation of a UX roadmap

To strengthen your market position in the long term, you need continuous optimisation. Together we will draw up a plan of which steps you should best take, when and how.


  • How can important UX concepts be integrated into your team's processes? 

  • Which usability measures should you focus on in the next few months?

Google Mobile Web Certification

With the Google Mobile Web Certification, we are officially qualified to advise clients in the areas of mobile web performance and web usability optimisation. Two client cases in the area of mobile speed and mobile UX were submitted for the certification.

Strategy meeting for your usability workshop

Would you like to sensitise your employees to the topic of website usability and conversion rate optimisation? We support you in sustainably establishing UX methods in your company and impart our knowledge in customised usability workshops.

We will be happy to give you an initial assessment in a non-binding strategy discussion. 

Your Usability-Experts

Verena Lahner and Johanna Dietrich are SEO specialists in the area of website usability.

In addition to individually tailored workshops, they support our clients through usability and accessibility audits or in A/B testing.

FURTHER Usability Services

We check your website based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards. Accessibility increases the usability for all website visitors.


We identify optimisation potential along the user flow from search query to conversion.


We pass on our knowledge and support you in sustainably establishing a  UX processes in your company.