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Usability Audit

The aim of a usability audit is to identify challenges for users and to improve their experience with your website. We analyse the page structure, navigation and design, identify their potential and derive the respective improvements. A good user experience (UX) does not only enhance the brand image, but also has a positive impact on conversions.

Here’s how our usability audit is organised

Kick-Off & goalS

Joint kick-off meeting to define goals and KPIs, as well as any specific areas of focus that need to be especially considered in the audit process (e.g. determine which page types are the most relevant for conversions).

User reseaRCH

In the next step, we focus on collecting data. We analyse the user flow to identify key pain points  and barriers.

Competition analysis

In order to get a benchmark of the industry and a deeper insight into the needs of the users, we include 2-3 relevant competitor websites in our analysis.

Expert analysis

We identify optimisation potential along the user journey flow from the initial search or visit all the way query to the final conversion. We analyse the relevant page types (homepage, category page, product page, checkout/contact page) using design principles based on findings from behavioural and cognitive psychology.  We illustrate the findings and recommendations with mock-ups and explain the principles behind them. 


Based on the PIE framework (PIE = Potential | Importance | Ease), we structure and prioritise the findings in concrete To-Dos and provide a roadmap for recommended actions. 


We present the results and recommended actions of our analysis in a joint meeting - either online or on-site

Google Mobile Web Certification

With the Google Mobile Web Certificate, we are officially qualified to advise clients in the areas of mobile web performance and web usability optimisation. Two client cases in the area of mobile speed and mobile UX were submitted for the certification.

worked with
Sebastian Schwiecker
Managing Director

Having worked with The Boutique Agency for many years to manage our Google Ad Grants account, we decided to call on their expertise for an SEO and UX audit.

The Boutique Agency experts provided us with an in-depth analysis of our website and the competitive environment. The detailed briefing on how to optimise our website was very helpful and the measures implemented have already shown positive results.

What are the benefits of a usability audit?

Stronger brand loyalty

30 % of users will not return to your website after a bad first experience. On the contrary, a  positive experience builds more stable customer loyalty.

Impact on all marketing channels

The website is the last touchpoint of many customer journeys. Its optimisation will also have a positive impact on the performance of SEA, SEO, Paid social campaigns and co.

Positive brand recognition

Emotions make information more memorable. If a website is helpful or entertaining, users are more likely to return.

More conversions, more revenue

A well thought-out user guidance breaks down barriers and lowers the bounce rate and thus has a direct influence on the conversion rate and sales.

Better rankings on Google

Google's first principle is: "Focus on the user and all else will follow":  Page speed, layout shifts, website interactivity and accessibility  - since 2021, Google officially made user experience a ranking factor.

Stand out from the competition

A good user experience can become a new USP that sets you apart from your competition.

Usability strategy meeting

An external assessment can bring a fresh, non-biased outlook and help to identify potential and improve existing processes. With this one off meeting, we can give you actionable insights into how to improve the user experience on your website through a usability audit, as well as possible next steps, such as support in the implementation and execution of A/B testing.

We will be happy to give you an initial assessment in a non-binding strategy discussion. 

Your Usability-Experts

Verena Lahner and Johanna Dietrich are SEO specialists in the area of website usability.

In addition to usability and accessibility audits, they support our clients in A/B testing. They also share their methods in customised workshops.

Accessibility Audit

We check your website based on the  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards. Accessibility increases the usability for all website visitors.

Usability Consulting

We pass on our knowledge and support you in sustainably establishing a  UX processes in your company. 

Usability Workshops

Strengthen your in-house competencies with a customised usability training.